Saturday, December 2, 2017

Bucket List

I want to say “Thank You” to all of you who have supported me over the years. Your encouragement. Your love. Your generosity toward my Avon Walk fundraisers. You may have heard that 2017 was the last year for Avon 39 – The Walk to End Breast Cancer. The email I received indicates that the Avon Foundation will launch a new fundraiser in 2018. I do not know what it is. And I do not know if I’ll participate. Stay tuned.

In April 2011, I participated in my first Avon Walk. A team from law school was formed from in honor and memory of a colleague. During that first walk several of us committed to walking the following year. We did. In Washington, D.C. At some point I made the decision to walk in each of the host cities; a new city each year until I had walked in them all. At the time there were nine walks per year. By the time I walked in Boston there were only seven.

Each year I have walked. Each year I have held a fundraiser. Each year family and friends helped me reach the financial goal necessary for me to participate. Each year was a unique experience. And each year I came closer to fulfilling that item on my bucket list.

This year I walked in my seventh Avon Walk, in city number seven on the list. I was only able to walk the first day due to a knee injury, but I did in fact walk in Santa Barbara. I had accomplished my goal.

I never doubted I would get here; it just seems to have gone so fast.

If you enjoy my blog and would like to follow me on Facebook, I can be found at The Reluctant Survivor. And on Twitter @relucsurvivor.

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