Saturday, July 6, 2013

Summer of Transition

Do you remember the summer after you graduated from high school? I do. And while it does not seem like yesterday, it is hard to believe that it has been over 30 years. A summer filled with parties, going to the movies and hanging out with my boyfriend. My friends consisted of those who were home for the summer after their first year in college; they regaled us with tales of their freshman year. There were also friends who would stay behind for their last year in high school. It was a summer of excitement and anticipation. It was a summer for making memories and saying “good-bye.” It was a summer of transition.

My Goddaughter, Kate graduated from high school on Father’s Day. She goes by Kate now. She is no longer Peanut or Katie. That happened sometime over this past year. She is done with high school and is going away to college in September. She turned 18 two weeks after her graduation. That seems about right. She is now an adult.
I was at her graduation and found myself getting a little misty with sentiment. We recently went shopping together to buy things for her dorm room. We spent time talking about adult matters as well as giggling over boys like teenage girls will do. And I realized that my sentiment isn’t just about her milestone; her transition is also mine. We (she and I) made it to her graduation.

You see, in a moment of weakness filled with tears of fear, I gave God my wish list. Seeing Kate graduate from high school was on that list.

She has so much to look forward to; so many new and exciting adventures. In fact, she and I are planning her semester abroad because, of course, I will have to visit her. But for now, I would tell her to enjoy this summer. Take every opportunity to hang out with your friends. Eat ice cream. Go to the movies. Don’t pick on your younger sister too much; she’s going to miss you. (Really, she is). Oh, and indulge your mother and her best friend as we try to capture those last moments of your childhood before we release you to the world.

I love you, Kathryn Rose.


If you enjoy my blog and would like to follow me on Facebook, I can be found at The Reluctant Survivor.


  1. You are killing me girlfriend!

  2. Transistions can be so bittersweet. Lovely post!

  3. God bless you and Kate. I too remember when. <3

  4. I have a few tears in my eyes and in my heart. Brings back so many wonderful memories of my transition and those of our daughter Blair. Thank you for your poignant words . . . Hugs!
