Saturday, April 12, 2014


I was recently disappointed. And I mean big time disappointment. The kind that leaves you with no energy and not wanting to get out of bed in the morning. I had plans to spend the weekend with my mother and had been invited to visit with some friends that I haven’t seen in over 30 years. I was looking forward to both. But it wasn’t meant to be. At least not this time.

I’m not usually like this. I find the positive in everything and truly believe that I am where I’m meant to be when things like this happen. It’s a mindset that I adopt when I’m stuck in traffic. I think of all the stories after 9/11 from people who were supposed to be in those towers or on one of the flights that day but something delayed them or changed their plans. It was not their time.

A few years ago I made plans to get together with a longtime friend who had moved away and was traveling home for a visit with his parents over Christmas. We decided we would meet for lunch the day after Christmas. I had the week off from work and he was “home” for the week. Well, it was the year of the Christmas Blizzard here in New England. And his area had a severe snow and ice storm that closed his airport for four days. He never made it home for Christmas. And while that was disappointing, I wasn’t too sad. I felt as if God (or at least Mother Nature) had given us a big, fat “no” to getting together. Oh well. Weather happens and there will be another time.

This weekend God said “no” and I can’t blame Mother Nature this time. I’m not sure why, and maybe I’ll never know. I like to be philosophical about these things. At times I need, even crave, down time. Time to myself. Time to watch junk television. Time to read. Time to knit. Time away from people. Maybe I just needed to slow down and enjoy the spring weather here at home.

Or maybe it has nothing to do with me. My mother spoke at a women’s group; it was one of the things I was going to attend. She confessed that I probably would have made her nervous. I’m sure her talk was a blessing to all who were there.
And with the spring weather, my friends were probably happy to get out into their gardens. They own the Late Bloomer Farm and Rabbitry. You can read their blog at Late Bloomer Farm & Rabbitry. They also have a Facebook page. Check them out.

So while I’m disappointed I’m going to embrace the here and now. And anticipate that there is another, better time to see my mother and visit with my friends. Besides, the sun is shining and the temperatures are warming. There’s even a hint of spring in my yard.

If you enjoy my blog and would like to follow me on Facebook, I can be found at The Reluctant Survivor. And on Twitter @relucsurvivor.


  1. You were missed. I am glad you were able to find some "Joy" in your day.

  2. As always Heather very insightful. We missed you too and yes we worked in the gardens and inched our way toward progress. As Ecclesiastes points out there is a time for everything today was garden prep and soon time spent with a dear friend, the time will come.

    1. Looking forward to our time together. We have much to share.
