Saturday, January 7, 2017

A Christmas Season

I don’t take down my Christmas decorations or tree until after the New Year. There are several reasons for this. One is that my husband and I are busy with family for Christmas and friends during the week between. We often have our Christmas celebration of presents and a fancy meal on New Year’s Day itself.
Another reason is that I’m lazy. I spend a lot of time putting out the Santa collection and decorating the tree. I just don’t have the energy to take it all down only a few weeks later. 
I also like the lights and cheeriness during these dark, cold winter days.
Growing up we took down the tree after Twelfth Night, which is January 6. My mother always says that we celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas (and she still does). I think it was an excuse to keep the Christmas tree up a little longer.
My friend Robin recently wrote about the Epiphany over at Welcome to Robin’s Corner.
And maybe that is part of my reluctance to undecorate the house. I do not want to let go of Christmas and the promise that it brings.
I am a big fan of the Old Testament, and the more I read it the more I realize that each book, each story points to the Christmas story. The Christmas story is our hope. The hope for humanity as a whole. The hope for our reconciliation with God. My hope for finding grace.
May you find the hope of the Christmas story in 2017.
If you enjoy my blog and would like to follow me on Facebook, I can be found at The Reluctant Survivor. And on Twitter @relucsurvivor.

1 comment:

  1. You are so kind!! And I always love reading your posts. My decorations are still up! :)
