Sunday, October 20, 2013

Gone L.O.C.O.

Last year I wrote about my girlfriends and how much they mean to me. This year I’d like to highlight one very special group. The LOCOs. (Ladies of Commander Owners).

My husband and I recently returned home from our annual get-together. This year’s destination was Fredericksburg, TX and the Hangar Hotel.
September 2008

This particular fly-in was especially meaningful for me. You see, we were in Fredericksburg five years ago. Just after I had finished my cancer treatments. And my hair had just started to grow back. Now here we were five years later, celebrating friendship and life.

These ladies are my sisters. We add to our numbers and connect over shopping, early morning coffee and afternoon tea. We come and go as we please, gathering together for a cocktail or soda at the end of the day before dinner. At any time I can find a group of these friends; we can sit and share stories or go off on some adventure together. Depending on who is around, the group is always different. Yet it is the same.

Our commonality is our husbands and their planes, but we have found that we share so much more. We have a similar sense of humor. Nicknames have been given. This year we started an impromptu dance party. We even get in trouble. (Sometimes I think we create more fun than the guys). And this year we were recognized at the Awards Banquet. Yes, even the pilots recognize our unique bond.   

We are each other’s support system and playmates. We are sisters and friends. And because we mean it, we never forget to say “I love you.”

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